Board of Directors and Officers

Hon. Daniel Rivera, Chairman

Hon. Denise Ridley, Vice Chair

Donald R. Brown, Commissioner

Douglas Carlucci, Commissioner

Mary P. Noonan, Commissioner

Victor Negron, Jr., Commissioner

Darwin R. Ona, Commissioner

The Jersey City Redevelopment Agency Board of Commissioners is made up of seven members, two of whom also serve as City Councilpersons. The five remaining members are named to the Board by the Mayor and approved by City Council Resolution.

Diana H. Jeffrey, Executive Director 201-761-0821

Christopher Fiore, Assistant Executive Director -201-761-0823

Joining the JCRA in 2001, Mr. Fiore spent several years at the Jersey City Economic Development Corp. gaining a wealth of knowledge pertaining to the development process. He has the hands-on experience necessary to be the number two man at the JCRA. Before being named Assistant Executive Director, Mr. Fiore’s title was Director of Development, overseeing more than 65 projects handled by five Project Managers.