ADDENDUM #1: Request for Proposals for the Berry Lane Park Concession Stand Q&A
The Request for Proposals for the Berry Lane Park Concession Stand posted by the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency (the “JCRA”) on October 5, 2020 (the “RFP”) is modified as set forth in this Addendum. The RFP remains in full force and effect, except as modified by this Addendum, which is hereby made part of the RFP. Respondent shall take this Addendum into consideration when preparing and submitting its Proposal.
The RFP is amended and supplemented by the following answers, certain answers having been prepared in cooperation with the City of Jersey City, as applicable, and provided as informational responses to questions raised about the RFP.
QUESTION 1. We noticed that you would like the business to open on December 1, 2020. After some research, we understand that the rec leagues which are a driving force of the park and are running programming from Mid-March to Mid-November. Are you open to this consideration of running the business during this time of year?
ANSWER: We will leave this to the discretion of the respondent but also encourage as much year-round service as is feasible.
QUESTION 2. The proposal states the JCRA prefers the business to be open in alignment with the park hours. We believe this would be unsustainable. Are you open to a modified schedule (set times) to meet demand?
ANSWER: We will leave this to the discretion of the respondent but also encourage the longest hours of operation as is feasible.
QUESTION 3. The language in Section 2.9 (Trash & Recycling) is a bit unclear. Where does the park dispose of the waste? Can we use this same facility to dispose of our waste?
ANSWER: Yes, the successful respondent will be permitted to use the same trash disposal receptacles as the park operator.
QUESTION 4. We wanted to understand the responsibility of our material throughout the park. If someone is served a cup of ice cream and they drop it in the middle of a sports field, is that our responsibility? Who is in charge of cleaning up the orange tables near the stand? The Park?
ANSWER: The park operator is responsible for maintaining the park, including but not limited to keeping the park clear of debris and litter, while the successful respondent will be expected to maintain the cleanliness of the concession stand and the immediately surrounding areas. The successful respondent will be expected to cooperate with the park operator. The successful respondent is encouraged to keep the tables near the concession stand clean. The division of responsibilities will be further set forth in the concession agreement by and between the successful respondent and the JCRA.
QUESTION 5. Is there internet access in the park? Will the office or building have a separate internet connection to power the operations? Can we access this stream or will we need to set up our own operation related to connectivity?
ANSWER: A digital kiosk will soon be installed along Garfield that will provide limited free WiFi. Respondents are encouraged to set up independent internet access if possible.
QUESTION 6. Is it possible to forego the following insurance policies? Alternatively, please explain the significance of the following insurance policies.
- Automobile Liability in the amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit
· Cyber Liability in the amount of $2,000,000 each incident and in aggregate.
· Employee Theft in the amount of $1,000,000 single loss limit
· Employee Theft of Client Property in the amount of $1,000,000 single loss limit
· Forgery or Alteration in the amount of $1,000,000 single loss limit
· Computer and Funds Transfer Fraud in the amount of $1,000,000 single loss limit
· Credit, Debit or Charge Card Forgery in the amount of $1,000,000 single loss limit
· Money Order and Counterfeit Currency in the amount of $1,000,000 single loss limit
ANSWER: Cyber Liability, Employee Theft, Employee Theft of Client Property, Forgery or Alteration, Computer and Funds Transfer Fraud, Credit, Debit or Charge Card Forgery, Money Order and Counterfeit Currency coverage is required because service providers will be conducting cash and/or credit transactions on property owned and operated by the City of Jersey and same may be conducted via the internet.
It is a standard requirement that service providers have Automobile Liability Insurance for all owned/leased or hired vehicles.
QUESTION 7. Are annual sales numbers for the park concessions available to potential bidders?
ANSWER: The concession stand at the Park is newly built. The successful respondent will be the first to operate a concession stand in Berry Lane Park. Therefore, sales numbers are not available.