Economic Impact Study RFP Questions and Answers Centre Pompidou x New Jersey Museum


 Economic Impact Study RFP

Questions and Answers

Centre Pompidou x New Jersey Museum


June 16, 2023

1. Can companies outside the USA apply for this? (i.e., from India or Canada)

Yes. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-44, all contractors and subcontractors must provide a Business Registration Certificate from the New Jersey Division of Revenue in the Department of Treasury when doing business with the State of New Jersey, and other public agencies in the State of New Jersey.

2. Will we need to come to Jersey City for meetings?

It is anticipated that some meetings will take place in-person in Jersey City and some may take place in Trenton or other locations in the State of New Jersey.

3. Can we perform the tasks (related to RFP) outside the USA? (i.e., from India or Canada)

Yes, unless otherwise specified by the Agency.

4. Can we submit the proposals via email?

Yes, per page 10, section 3.1.1, proposals can be submitted via email to Rob Napiorski ( and Cortez Crosby (

5. Are assumptions regarding attendance, visitor spending at museum, personnel plan, and operating budgets in place and available as the basis for the economic impact study?

These assumptions are not in place or available.

6. If not, does the economic impact assignment include preparation of such fundamental assumptions with the idea that these assumptions would then be refined and detailed in 2.2 Additional Scope of Work-Business Operating Plan?


7. Will the economic impacts analysis then be refined to reflect the results of Task 2.2?


8. Is the intent of 2.1.3 to develop an estimate of new development due to the new museum, or to evaluate the impacts of planned developments that have been proposed or planned?

The intent is to evaluate the impacts of both the new museum and the developments that have been proposed or planned.

9. Will Task 1 (economic impacts) and Task 2 (business and operating plan) be contracted at project outset?

One contract will be executed at project outset with Task 2 included as an Additional Service to be initiated upon written authorization from JCRA.

10. What is the target completion date for Task 1 and for Task 2?

JCRA will rely on the successful candidate to provide a workplan and meeting schedule to complete these tasks in a timely manner.  Respondent should indicate approximately how long it will take to complete each task

11. Has a target budget been established for Task 1 and for Task 2?  If so, what are these budgets?


12. Has a targeted number of meetings been established for Task 1 and for Task 2?  If so, how many?

JCRA will rely on the successful candidate to provide a workplan and meeting schedule to complete these tasks in a timely manner.  In addition, the successful respondent may be required to attend meetings with the Agency regarding the services being provided.

13. Are the desired 2.2.5 (c) templates to be provided in Excel format?

Yes. Excel is an acceptable format.

14. Will the consultant have access and work with the development team regarding assumptions of potential contributed and endowment funds?

Yes, JCRA and the State of New Jersey will share assumptions about budgets and potential contributed funds as they develop. Currently, a development team is not in place.

15. Will the consultant have access to the engineering team to determine appropriate allowances for utilities?


16. Will the off-site offices be defined in program of spaces to inform estimates regarding this component of the plan?


17. Is a marketing team available for interface regarding the marketing and audience development aspects of the plan?

Currently, there is not a marketing team in place. Jersey City and Pompidou are in the early stages of developing coordinated strategies for marketing and audience development.

18. Can we receive electronic editable proposal forms? It seems the ones in the RFP are scanned docs and we are unable to edit.


19. Do subcontractors need to fill out all forms with proposal submittal?


20. Will a site visit take place?

There will not be a site visit during the procurement process. As part of the onboarding process with the successful respondent, a neighborhood and building walk will be scheduled. In the meantime, we encourage potential respondents to visit the Journal Square area to get a sense of the development occurring in that area.