Questions and Responses: Request for Proposals for the Development within the Journal Square 2060 Redevelopment Area: March 5, 2020



MARCH 5, 2020

Question 1:  Is there any survey available for Blocks 10602, Lots 10,11,12,13,14,15, or 16?

Answer: No.

Question 2: Are there any details or requirements to widen Sip Avenue to include additional lanes for a bus priority lane or Bus Rapid Transit Line referenced in Section II G. and Map 6: Circulation Map of the 2060 Redevelopment Plan?

Answer: There are no current plans to widen Sip Avenue.

Question 3: Can you provide details on the required 15-foot minimum sidewalk that connects Sip Avenue and JFK Boulevard referenced in Map 5: Required Sidewalk Width Map of the 2060 Redevelopment Plan?

• Is the intended sidewalk meant to run along Block 10602 Lot 9 and Lot 10?

• Is there current access from the parking lot to JFK Blvd?

• Will retail be required along that new sidewalk?

Answer: The 15 foot sidewalk requirement has to be met and if the sidewalk in front of the property does not allow for 15 foot clearance, it has to be taken out of the property to make up the difference.

All frontages on Sip Avenue require retail.

Question 4: Does the northern lot boundary extend all the way to the buildings at the rear? Do the buildings along the rear of the lot have fire escapes and emergency exits that cross onto the property line? If so, is there an easement?

Answer: The Agency does not have this information.

Question 5: Is there an estimated minimum timeline needed for HCCC to vacate and relocate from the current building?

Answer This timeline has not yet been determined by HCCC.

Question 6: Is there a form of agreement for the required project labor agreement and/or the labor peace agreement?

Answer: There is not a form agreement that will be required.  The agreement will be negotiated between the applicable union and the developer(s) selected by the Agency.