CPJC – RFP Development Professional Questions and Answers
Jersey City Redevelopment Agency
CPJC – RFP Development Professional
Due Date: May 13, 2024, 12:00 p.m.
Questions and Answers
Posted May 3, 2024
General Questions
- What qualities are you looking for in a consulting partner?
All qualifications are set forth in the RFP.
- How would you describe your existing culture of philanthropy?
The JCRA is seeking a development professional to establish the “culture of philanthropy” for the specified project.
- Do any existing board members or volunteers participate in fundraising?
All board members will participate in fundraising to some extent.
- In addition to developing solicitation strategies, are you looking for a consulting partner to be actively involved in donor solicitations?
- Has a budget been established for the project? Yes.
- Are you willing to share an amount? The amount will be shared with the successful respondent.
2.1.1 Deliverable – Research
- Can you please advise if JCRA has previously conducted a Campaign Feasibility for this project?
The JCRA has not conducted a campaign feasibility for this project.
- Has JCRA already raised any money for this project (e.g., is there a group of flagship donors who have already given in some way)?
The JCRA has not yet raised money through private fundraising.
- If so, are you able to share how much, and from how many people? And/or, are you able to share the breakdown of gift sizes? See answer to previous question.
2.1.2 Deliverable – Fundraising Materials and Strategy
- For section (d) “Developing a fundraising strategy for multi-phased campaign” – are you able to provide a more specific timeline for the project, and confirm where you are currently in the process?
The project is currently in the construction document phase of design and is scheduled to begin construction in early Summer of 2025. The JCRA will expect the successful respondent to create a fundraising timeline for the project.
- With the understanding that JCRA is targeting for pre-opening in the Fall of 2027, and that the anticipated date of contract will be awarded in May 2024, when would you like to begin work with your selected partner?
Immediately begin work after the award of contract.
2.1.3 Activity – Staffing
- Does JCRA currently have any Development staff for this project? If so, can you share the staffing breakdown?
- If not, is JCRA looking to have the partner lead all Development efforts?
2.1.4 Activity – Board Recruitment and Engagement
- Is there an existing Board for the project? If not, is JCRA building the Board from scratch?
The board is in formation and has initial board members.