Jersey City Redevelopment Agency Centre Pompidou x Jersey City Museum Landscape Architect Design Services RFP Questions and Answers

Questions Posed During the Site Visit on December 19, 2022:

  1. What is the end scope of the Journal Square Plaza? What is the consideration for the landscape architect regarding Journal Square Plaza?

The landscape architect will help with review of the 1 Journal Square approved design and work with the City to comment on the design to the developer and make recommendations for changes. 1 Journal Square’s landscape architect will be responsible for the actual design.

  1. What are the different disciplines/consultants on the project?

This question was addressed in previous Q&A response posted to the Agency website on December 19, 2022.

  1. What is the project timeline?

This question was addressed in previous Q&A response posted to the JCRA website on December 19, 2022.

  1. Are there documents available to share?

All of the information necessary to respond to the RFP is contained in the RFP and Amendments thereto.

  1. What was the previous use of the building?

This question was addressed in previous Q&A response posted to the JCRA website on December 19, 2022.

  1. Is the building a historic landmark?


  1. Are there historic regulations/considerations for the signage?


  1. Is there parking associated with the building/project?


  1. Is there an assumption of additional wayfinding signage for the project?

The complete scope of the wayfinding is outlined in the RFP. Additional wayfinding is not anticipated at this time.

  1. Is the layout and landscape in OMA’s scope? Will there be a collaboration with OMA?

The Landscape Architect and OMA will collaborate on the design and layout of the landscape.

  1. Will the rooftop be exhibition space?

This is to be determined.

  1. Is there a pause in design to do any fundraising?

This question was addressed in previous Q&A response posted to the JCRA website on December 19, 2022.

  1. Does the scope include a branding exercise?


  1. Is there a possibility of extending the submission deadline?



Questions Submitted Via Email – Landscape Architect:

  1. Is JCRA able to disclose which other landscape architect firms, or how many firms, are participating in the RFP?


  1. How long is each phase (SD – CA) anticipated? If time not allocated by JCRA, shall the Respondent suggest timelines per each phase?

This has not yet been determined.

  1. What other consultants are currently contracted to JCRA? I.e. are lighting designer and civil engineer already contracted to client/Architect?

This question was addressed in previous Q&A response.

  1. Is the total project budget available? What is the estimated project budget for landscape design?

This has not been finalized.

  1. Is this project tracking LEED?


  1. Can JCRA provide a site map indicating approximate extents / location of landscape scope limit of work?

This information will be provided to the successful candidate.

  1. Is there a Project Schedule that can be shared for basic assumptions? What is the projected timeline for the design stages? Stages of implementation / construction?

This question was addressed in previous Q&A response posted to the JCRA website on December 19, 2022.

  1. Why is there no Concept Design stage included?

The Landscape Architect will join the team at the start of Design Development. Any concept or schematic level design will take place as part of the Design Development phase.

  1. Will the Cost Estimator (per the RFP: “joining the team in SD”) be JCRA-appointed?

Yes. The Cost Estimator has been selected.

  1. It is not clear what the format of the submittal is. It is mentioned that “a thumbdrive / flashdrive may be submitted.” Is this the format of submission? Or is it hard copy? (a “bound single document” is also mentioned in the RFP, page 11.) If hard copy is to be submitted, please advise as to the number of copies are required. If the submission is entirely digital, would an emailed submittal also be acceptable? Please advise, specifically, the format / procedure for submitting a response.

A digital submission via email is acceptable.

  1. Is there a page limit for the response?


  1. Would an extension (1-2 weeks?) be considered?  (Considerate of holiday-related schedules, and if final addenda / q&a information are planned to be posted on 12/23), an extension would be greatly appreciated.
