- With regard to Bid Item #4 – Engineer’s Field Office, please clarify what is to be provided for the Field Office Type “A” because Spec Section 155 does not provide any quantities of the various items that are to be provided, such as: the number of telephones, computer systems, office equipment, and inspection equipment.
Field Office Type “A” is to be provided with the following:
- Office Size Requirements:
- Total Area (SF) = 288;
- Number of Rooms = 1;
- Conference Room = 0;
- Desks with Swivel Chairs = 2;
- Tables and chairs to seat = 8;
- File Cabinets = 2;
- Plan Racks = 1;
- Parking Spaces = 4.
- Utilities and Lighting:
- Provide all utility services and connections.
- Lavatory:
- Provide a separately enclosed and properly ventilated room with washing and toilet facilities suitable for use by male and female employees.
- Ensure that the facilities have hot and cold running water.
- Equip the doors and windows with locks.
- Communication Equipment:
- Not required. Should communication equipment become necessary during the duration of the contract; the Bid Item #46 Allowance for Work Unspecified may be utilized for compensation of the communication equipment.
- Office Furnishings:
- Two book cases;
- A drafting table and stool;
- A supply cabinet;
- A water cooler having both hot and cold water dispensers, and bottle water service;
- A type ABC fire extinguisher having UL-approval;
- A 24 person first-aid kit according to ANSI Z308.1., 1 tick removal tweezers, and 4 aerosol cans of insect repellent containing DEET. Restock first aid supplies and insect repellent as needed;
- A wastepaper basket for each room;
- Two 3 x 4 foot bulletin boards;
- A 1.7 cubic foot refrigerator.
- Office Equipment:
- Not required. Should office equipment become necessary during the duration of the contract; the Bid Item #46 Allowance for Work Unspecified may be utilized for compensation of the office equipment.
- Inspection Equipment:
- Not required. Should inspection equipment become necessary during the duration of the contract; the Bid Item #46 Allowance for Work Unspecified may be utilized for compensation of the inspection equipment.
- With regard to the Clearing Site Spec Section 201, it appears that this Spec Section is applicable for other projects but not specifically for this project. As a result this creates unnecessary confusion when Bidders are trying to interpret the Scope of Work that is to be included in the Lump Sum Bid Item #27. In order to eliminate this confusion we request that Section 201 be revised to remove all irrelevant requirements and statements that are not applicable to this project. Here are just some examples of items found on Page 200-1 that are not applicable to this project and that should be deleted from Spec Section 201.
- Paragraph #2 should be deleted because it states that Clearing Site shall include the cost of restoring all landscaping within the limits of construction.
- Paragraph #3 should be deleted because it requires all railroad tracks to be removed and salvaged.
- Paragraph #6 references the need to remove and salvage utility poles, guy wires, and appurtenances.
- Paragraph #7 references the need to remove existing guide rail end treatments.
- Paragraph #12 references the need to remove and dispose of existing HMA or concrete pavement but the Demolition Drawings do not call-out any existing pavements to be removed.
Paragraphs #2, #3, #6, #7, and #12 are not applicable. Should additional clearing site become necessary during the duration of the contract; the Bid Item #46 Allowance for Work Unspecified may be utilized for additional compensation for same.
- The Clearing Site Scope of Work is shown on Demolition Dwg’s GT-5, GT-6 & GT-7. With regard to the Clearing Site Scope of Work identified on these drawings, please address and clarify the following:
- Existing Fence is called-out on Dwg GT-7 to be removed or relocated but the drawings do provided a Symbol for Fence Removal or Relocation, and it is not clear as to how much of the existing fence is to removed. Please identify the quantity of existing fence that is to be removed or relocated.
- According to the call-outs, there is existing fence and at least two existing gates that are to be relocated, but there is no information provided on the drawings that indicates where or how the existing fence and gates are to be relocated. Please show the proposed locations of the relocated fence and gates, and also provide construction details for this fence and gate relocation work that indicate whether or not barbed wire or footings are required, etc.
- Because the drawings indiscriminately use a very ambiguous symbol (a circle with an cross) to indicate “structures” that are to be removed it is not possible to determine what types of “structures” are to be removed or the cost of removing these “structures”. Please identify what types of “structures” are to be removed on these drawings so that fixed pricing for this work can be provided.
- The drawings call-out a couple of existing “structures” and state that these existing structures are to be evaluated and removed. Please explain what this statement means, and clarify if the Bidders are to exclude the cost of removing those structures (to be evaluated) from the Lump Sum Bid Item #27.
- Various underground sanitary sewer and drainage pipes and related structures are called-out for removal, but the drawings do not provide the lengths of pipe that are to be removed, the diameter of those pipes, the types of pipe (RCP, DIP, etc.) that are to be removed, the depths of the pipes, or the type of backfill to be used for backfilling the trenches. Without this type of basic information it is not possible for Bidders to provide firm Lump Sum Pricing for this removal work. Please provide the missing information.
- Dwg GT-6 appears to identify one of the existing drainage pipes as 8” RCP. However, RCP is not made that small. Maybe it was intended to be 18” RCP? Please provide the correct size of the drainage pipe.
- The drawings indicate that existing Jersey Barriers are to be relocated. Please indicate where these Jersey Barriers are to be relocated.
- An Electric Box is called-out on Dwg GT-6 to be removed. Please clarify whether or not there are live wires that feed this Electrical Box, and if so, then please clarify what is to be done with the live wires.
- An existing Clean-Out is to be removed on Dwg GT-6 but no details are provided for this work. Please clarify the scope of work involving the removal of the existing Clean-Out, which we assume will need to be cut and capped in some manner and at a specified depth below grade.
- There is existing Asphalt identified on Dwg GT-6. What is to be done with this existing Asphalt?
- There are approximately 555 LF of existing fence that are mounted on barrier curbs and approximately 725 LF of existing fence that are mounted with concrete footings. There are approximately (7) permanently fixed gates mounted with concrete footings, three (3) of which are 30’±, one (1) of which is 24’±, two (2) of which are 13’±, and one (1) of which is 10’±.
- Existing fencing and gates that are located within the construction area should be relocated along the limit of disturbance along Kellogg Street. Remaining fencing and gates that are not relocated shall be disposed. Contractor shall provide additional temporary fence and gates, as needed, to secure site from general public. Temporary fencing can be mounted on jersey barriers or ballasts. Fence height shall match existing on-site fence height.
- Structures that are not labeled on the Demolition Plans are unknown as per the “Boundary and Topographic Survey” as prepared by Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc., dated June 2019 with no revisions.
- Structures labeled “To Be Evaluated and Removed” are unknown and not labeled on the “Boundary and Topographic Survey” as prepared by Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc., dated June 2019 with no revisions, and provided in Appendix 12 of the Specifications and Contract Documents. These structures are to be fully removed from the site.
- All as-built information is as shown on the “Boundary and Topographic Survey” as prepared by Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc., dated June 2019 with no revisions, and provided in Appendix 12 of the Specifications and Contract Documents. Locations on drawings can be scaled for removal, etc.
- The existing drainage pipe shown on Dwg GT-6 is labeled as 8” RCP on the “Boundary and Topographic Survey” as prepared by Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc., dated June 2019 with no revisions.
- Existing jersey barriers should be relocated outside of the construction area and along the outside edge of the project limits, primarily along Kellogg Street.
- The bidder should anticipate that there are live wires feeding the electric box. Bidder shall confirm same and coordinate with the respective utility company before removing the box.
- The bidder should assume that a full removal of the existing 8” Clean-Out will be required. Cutting and capping the existing 8” Clean-Out will not need required.
- All existing asphalt will remain. The existing asphalt serves as an environmental cap for the site. Please refer to Deed Notice #11, as provided in Appendix #10 of the Specifications and Contract Documents, for further detail, explanation, restrictions, and requirements for any work that is performed within the SA-6S Residential limits.
- With regard to the scope of work that is required for Bid Item #7 – 5,755 LF of Caution Fence, please address and clarify the following:
- Where is the Caution Fence to be installed?
- What is the Caution Fence made of? Please provide Typical Details and a specification.
- Does the Caution Fence remain in-place at the end of the project or is it to be removed by the Contractor at the end of this project.
- Caution Fence is intended to be installed around the limits of disturbance with posts spaced at least every 10 feet.
- The Caution Fence consists of the following:
- Fabric – Fabricate the fabric for plastic caution fence from HDPE with a minimum tensile strength of 5,000 pounds per square inch when tested according to ASTM D 648. Use fabric that is blaze orange in color that matches FED-STD-595B color chip No. 38915 and is ultraviolet stabilized.
- Posts – Use posts made of high carbon steel with a flanged leg channel section or flanged leg U-bar section having a uniform thickness of metal of not less than 1/8 inch. Ensure that posts weigh at least 2 pounds per linear foot, exclusive of ground plate, and are designed to be easily driven into the ground. Equip each post with at least 11 riveted lugs. Do not equip posts with punched or welded lugs. Galvanize posts.
- The Caution Fence is to be removed by the Contractor at the end of this project.
- With regard to the scope of work that is required for Bid Item #44 – Reconstruct Monitoring Wells, please address and clarify the following.
- Please provide a Typical Detail on the drawings that shows how these Monitoring Wells are to be reconstructed because the brief written descriptions provided in Spec Section 613 are not sufficient for bidding or construction purposes.
- Please clarify whether or not these existing Monitoring Wells are also to be extended vertically through the Surcharge/Fill material, and provide details of these extensions if they are required.
- The reconstruction of monitoring wells will consist of extending the existing monitoring wells and piezometer wells through the Permanent Roadway Embankment and Site Fills and Temporary Surcharge Embankment. The existing monitoring wells consists of an existing two (2) inch I.D. Sch. 40 PVC riser with an eight (8) inch I.D. steel casing. The PVC riser and steel casing shall be extended through the embankment to the surface. The top of the casing shall extend two and a half (2.50) feet above the embankment surface and shall be secured by salvaging the existing steel locking cap. There shall be a two (2) inch gap between the steel locking cap and the top of the PVC riser. The existing piezometer wells consists of an existing four (4) inch I.D. stainless steel riser pipe, an existing one (1) inch I.D. electrical conduit pipe with woven pull tape, and an existing twelve (12) inch I.D. steel casing. The steel riser, conduit pipe and pull tape, and steel casing shall be extended through the embankments to the surface. The top of the casing shall extend two and a half (2.50) feet above the embankment surface and shall be secured by salvaging the existing steel locking cap. There shall be a two (2) inch gap between the locking cap and top of steel riser and conduit pipe. After the surcharge has been completed the monitoring wells and piezometer wells shall be adjusted to the settled embankment surface.
- The existing monitoring wells and piezometer wells shall be extended through the surcharge/fill material. The wells shall be adjusted to the roadway embankment grade after the surcharge has been completed and removed. The top of the wells shall extend two and a half (2.5) feet above the embankment grade.
- With regard to the scope of work that is required for Bid Item #45 – Reconstruct Underdrain Access Manholes, please provide Typical Details that provide information on the scope of work that is to be performed for this bid item so that the Bidders can use that information to provide firm pricing for the work.
The reconstruction of underdrain access manholes consists of extending the existing twelve (12) inch I.D. HDPE pipe through the Permanent Roadway Embankment and Site Fills and the Temporary Surcharge Embankment. The top of the HDPE casing shall extend approximately two (2) to three (3) feet above final grade and shall be secured with an end cap. The casing shall be adjusted to the roadway embankment grade after the surcharge has been completed and removed.
- With regard to the Temporary MSE Retaining Walls, please address and clarify the following:
- Please provide a Wall Elevation for both MSE Walls.
- The drawings do not provide a typical detail that clearly shows how the MSE Walls are to be started. The MSE Walls need to support the Surcharge, yet Dwg GT-19 and GT-42 show the starter course of the MSE Walls to be at an elevation that is above the existing ground elevation. Please clarify.
- The MSE Wall Detail on Dwg GT-42 defines the Length “L” of the Geogrids as L= 0.9H Minimum. However, since the MSE Walls have variable heights, is it the intention to have variable lengths of the GeoGrids, or should a uniform Geogrid length be used?
- For Bidding Purposes please specify the Geogrid Length that is to be used as the basis of the bids.
- Please clarify how the Contractor is to be paid for the MSE Wall Structural Backfill.
- The last sentence in Part 515.01 of Spec Section 515 states that the removal of the MSE Wall will be at the discretion of the Engineer. Please clarify whether or not the Lump Sum Payment for the MSE Retaining Walls is to include the removal and disposal of the MSE Retaining Walls because Spec Section 515 gives the impression that the removal of the MSE Wall may not be required.
- The Temporary MSE Retaining Walls are a design-build item. We suggest that the bidders use the “proposed surcharge grade (typ.)” elevation depicted on Contract Drawing No. GT-20 as a guide for the elevation of the wall. Refer to Section 515-Temporary Surcharge Retaining Wall of the Project Specifications.
- Contract Drawings GT-19 and GT-42 show the Temporary MSE Retaining Walls embedded in the proposed roadway embankment fill. The Temporary MSE Retaining Walls are a design-build item. Refer to Contract Drawing No. GT-42 for typical cross section detail and general notes.
- The Temporary MSE Retaining Walls are a design-build item. The minimum Geogrid length shall be 90% of the wall height.
- The Temporary MSE Retaining Walls are a design-build item. The minimum Geogrid length shall be 90% of the wall height.
- Refer to Section 515-Temporary Surcharge Retaining Wall, Subsection 515.01 of the Project Specifications. The MSE Wall backfill is included in the pay item.
- Refer to Section 515-Temporary Surcharge Retaining Wall, Subsection 515.04 of the Project Specifications. At the conclusion of the Surcharge Program, the Contractor will be responsible for the Removal and Disposal of the MSE Retaining Walls.
- If the MSE Retaining Walls are to be removed under this contract, then please clarify what is to be done with the Embankment that is being supported by the MSE Walls.
Refer to Section 203-Embankment of the Project Specifications, Subsection 203.03.02 D and to Section 515-Temporary Surcharge Retaining Wall, Subsection 515.04 of the Project Specifications. The purpose of the temporary retaining walls is to retain the surcharge only and shall be removed with the surcharge.
- Please clarify the Traffic Control requirements for this projects. There are several bid items pertaining to Traffic Control but there are no traffic control drawings provided with the bid documents that show where the Traffic Control devices are to be provided or describe the scope and duration of the Traffic Control work. Please provide this missing information as soon as possible. Without this information it is not possible for Bidders to provide pricing for those Traffic Control Bid Items.
The Traffic Control items are “If and Where Directed” items intended for use when work is being performed along Kellogg Street during the duration of the project.
- Bid Item #20 is for Two Each, Traffic Control Trucks with Mounted Crash Cushions. This type of Traffic Control device is only used on lane closures and shoulder closures for highway work and road work. However, all of the work on this project is off-road. Therefore, please clarify why Traffic Control Trucks would be needed for this project, and if they are needed then the Bidders need to know where the Traffic Control Trucks are to be located, and the Bidders need to know how long the Traffic Control Trucks would be required at the site. Please clarify.
The two (2) Traffic Control Trucks with Mounted Crash Cushions is an “If and Where Directed” item intended for use when work is being performed along Kellogg Street during the duration of the project.
- With regard to Bid Items #15 & 16, please provide a Construction Sign Schedule that provide the number, sizes and types of Construction Signs that are required and the locations where the Signs are to be placed.
The Construction Signs are an “If and Where Directed” item intended for use when work is being performed along Kellogg Street during the duration of the project.
- With regard to the Bid Item #17 please show the location(s) where the Barrier Curb is to be provided, and clarify whether or not this Construction Barrier Curb is to be temporary or permanent.
The Construction Barrier Curb is an “If and Where Directed” item intended for use when work is being performed along Kellogg Street during the duration of the project. The Construction Barrier Curb is intended to be temporary.
- Bid Item #21 & 22 provide for Traffic Striping to be provided, but there is no Striping Plan sheet provided for this work to show the location(s) where the Striping is to be provided. Please provide this missing information as soon as possible because the Bidders cannot provide pricing for this work without this information; and please clarify whether or not the Traffic Striping is permanent or temporary.
The Traffic Stripes and Markings are “If and Where Directed” items intended for use when work is being performed along Kellogg Street during the duration of the project. The Traffic Striping is intended to be temporary.
- With regard to the Testing that is described in Spec Section 203 – Embankment, please clarify the following:
- Please clarify the extent of Environmental Testing for Imported Fill materials in order to satisfy the requirement for providing Certified Clean Fill. The Bid Documents need to specifically identify what types of tests are to be performed and the frequency of those tests in order to provide pricing for this work.
- If Imported Fill is obtained from a Quarry, then please confirm that Environmental Testing of this source will be waived as long as the Quarry provides a letter certifying that the source is virgin material.
- Paragraph “A” of part appears to require Grain Size Analysis and Proctors for all Embankment, including the existing Surcharge material. Please clarify why any testing of the existing soil would be required when this material is only being used as a Surcharge Material.
- Please clarify the placement methods for the Surcharge Material and clarify if any compaction requirements or Density control is necessary for the Surcharge placement.
- Please clarify which party is responsible for In-Place Density Testing during the placement of the Imported Fill because there is a reference to the Contractor performing this work in 203.01, but there is a reference to the Engineer performing this work for the Control Strip Method and for the Density Control Method at the top of page 200-18.
- If the Contractor is responsible for the performance of In-Place Density Testing then please specify the frequency of this Testing.
- The Environmental Testing for Imported Fill materials are included in Appendix 8 as part of the Specifications and Contract Documents. An additional copy is attached herewith.
- The Environmental Testing for Imported Fill materials are included in Appendix 8 as part of the Specifications and Contract Documents. An additional copy is attached herewith.
- The data is required to assist in evaluating the surcharge program and in determining when the surcharge may be removed. Target density is 130 pounds per cubic foot. Refer to Section 203-Embankment, Subsection 203.03.02 B of the Project Specifications. The Contractor is responsible for providing a minimum of one (1) grain size analysis and one (1) proctor test result per proposed quarry sample for all imported borrow material. Refer to Section 203-Embankment, Subsection 203.03.02 A.
- Target density is 130 pounds per cubic foot. Refer to Section 203-Embankment, Subsection 203.03.02 B of the Project Specifications.
- The Engineer will perform in-situ density testing to confirm target density is 130 pounds per cubic foot.
- The Engineer will perform in-situ density testing to confirm target density is 130 pounds per cubic foot.
- The Ground Improvement Key Map on Dwg GT-4 calls-out large areas of the Site to be Cut and Filled to the Proposed Grade. With regard to this work, please clarify the following:
- There is No Bid Item in the Bid Proposal to pay for Site Excavation (Cuts), and the cost of this work cannot included in the other items because that would not be appropriate. Therefore, if there is Site Excavation to be performed then we request that a New Unit-Priced Bid Item be added to the Bid Proposal to cover this work as soon as possible.
- Please confirm that the Filling Work will be covered by Bid Item #33 – Permanent Roadway Embankment and Site Fills.
- The Ground Improvement Key Map shows the various stages of the project and is not intended to be a Cut/Fill drawing. Bidder should refer to the “Embankment Grading Plans” to determine the areas of Cut/Fill. There is no excavation throughout the project with the exception of the existing stock pile and removal of drainage and sanitary structures and pipes. As per Section 203.04 of the Specifications and Contract Documents, “Temporary Surcharge Embankment shall include all cost in connection with excavation, movement, placement and compaction of existing stockpile material as temporary surcharge embankment.” As per Section 201.04 of the Specifications and Contract Documents, “Separate measurement and payment will not be made for excavation associated with the removal of existing drainage and sanitary sewer structures and pipes, but the cost for same shall be included in the Clearing Site item in the Bid Form.”
- Confirmed. As per Section 203.04 of the Specifications and Contract Documents, “Permanent Roadway Embankment and Site Fills shall include all cost in connection with importing, placement and compaction of approved imported fill (I-13, DGA or RCA).”
- With regard to Bid Item #34 – Temporary Surcharge Embankment, we request that this Bid Item be changed from a Lump Sum Pay Item to a Unit Price Pay Item since this is a Unit Priced Bid Proposal and this work can be quantified by the Engineer.
The quantities on the Earthwork Summary on Contract Drawing GT-4 are to be utilized for the basis for the project.
- Please clarify the following with regard to Bid Item #35, which is for the Removal, Relocation and Stockpiling of Surcharge Embankment Fills and Remaining Stockpile Materials.
- Please confirm our interpretation of the bid documents that the Contractor is to temporarily remove the existing Soil Stockpile prior to placement of the Imported Structural Fill in those areas; and, that the existing Soil is then placed on top of the Imported Fill as a Surcharge.
- Please indicate the location where the Relocated Surcharge Materials is to be stockpiled at the site. The Bidders need to know where the Relocated Surcharge Stockpile is to be located in order to determine the cost of hauling the surplus soils to that location.
- Please clarify what happens at the end of the Surcharge Period, when the Surcharge Sol is removed and the upper surface of the Imported Structural Fill has settled.
- Please clarify how the Contractor is to place and grade the Related Surcharge Stockpile, and if there are any height restrictions for this stockpile.
- Please clarify if the Relocated Surcharge Pile is to received Temporary Seeding. If so, then we request that a New Unit Priced Bid Item be provided in the Bid Proposal to cover this Temporary Seeding work.
- Please clarify if Silt Fence is to be installed around the perimeter of the Relocated Surcharge Stockpile. If so, then please confirm that this Silt Fence will be paid under the Bid Item 8 – Silt Fence.
- Yes, that is confirmed, the existing stockpile is to be temporarily moved prior to placement of Permanent Roadway Embankment and Site Fills in those areas. The stockpile will then be placed over the permanent embankment for the surcharge phase of the project.
- The relocated surcharge stockpile will be located within the site not more than ½ mile from the existing location in an area generally to the west of the existing stockpile.
- The Permanent Roadway Embankment to remain at settled surface. Final grading is to be performed as part of a later contract.
- Height should match the height of the existing stockpile, approximately 20’, and is to be placed in an area generally to the west of the existing stockpile.
- Yes, temporary seeding. As per Section 203.04 of the Specifications and Contract Documents, “Separate measurement and payment will not be made for stockpile stabilization. The cost thereof shall be included in the Removal, Relocation and Stockpiling of Surcharge Embankment Fills and Remaining Stockpile Materials item in the Bid Form.”
- Silt fence is to be installed as shown on the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans and is not required around the Relocated Surcharge Pile. If same does become required, Bid Item 8 – Silt Fence, will be used for payment.
- Dwg GT-42 calls out a Timber Pedestrian Guard to be installed along the top edge of the Temporary MSE Retaining Wall. However, the drawings do not provide any suggested construction details for the Timber Pedestrian Guard. For Bidding Purposes please provide typical suggested details for the Timber Pedestrian Guard.
The Timber Pedestrian Guard is included as part of the Temporary Surcharge Retaining Wall design-build. Refer to Section 515-Temporary Surcharge Retaining Wall, Subsections 515.01, 515.03.01 A and 515.04 of the Project Specifications.
- With regard to the Timber Pedestrian Guard please clarify who would be allowed to walk on the Surcharge. Will this area be opened to the Public, or is the Timber Pedestrian Guard intended only for the protection of construction workers?
The Timber Pedestrian Guard is included as part of the Temporary Surcharge Retaining Wall design-build. Refer to Section 515-Temporary Surcharge Retaining Wall of the Project Specifications. The area will not be opened to the Public. The Timber Pedestrian Guard shall comply with OSHA requirements.
- Dwg GT-44 shows a Vegetative Layer on top of the Surcharge. With regard to this work, please clarify the following:
- Why would a vegetative layer be necessary for a temporary surcharge pile that is expected to remain in place for only 5 months, when Temporary Seeding is all that is required for Temporary Erosion Control.
- If a Vegetative Layer is required then explain what is to be done with the Topsoil at the conclusion of the Surcharge Period.
- If a Vegetative Layer is required then we request that a Unit Price Bid Item be provided in the proposal for this work, along with the Seeding and Mulching that would be required.
- If a Vegetative Layer is required then please provide specifications for this work.
- A vegetative layer will not be required for the temporary surcharge pile, however, the bidder will be required to implement dust control measures. Bidder shall conform to the requirements specified in Sections 158 and 158A.
- A vegetative layer is not required.
- A vegetative layer is not required.
- A vegetative layer is not required.
- Please explain the purpose of providing the Bidders with thousands of pages of historical information pertaining to work that was previously performed many years ago for Honeywell at or near the site of this contact. Please clarify if there is any specific historical information that is important and relevant to this contract, and that needs to be reviewed by the Bidders and the successful Contractor in order to perform the Phase 1 work.
The general conditions of the Specification and Contract Documents F 4.02 and G 4.02 require the owner to advise the bidder of all known data on the existing conditions.
- Please confirm that Notes #28, 29, 30, 31 & 32 on Dwg GT-1 are not applicable to this Phase 1A Contract.
Notes #28, 29, 30, 31 & 32 on Dwg GT-1 are confirmed as not applicable to this Phase 1A Contract.
- Please clarify whether or not Notes #35 & #36 on Dwg GT-1, which preclude the use of driven posts for fencing, is applicable to this Phase 1A Contract because the drawings require Silt Fence and Caution Fence to be installed, which are typically installed using driven posts, and there are existing fence and gates that are to be relocated and those items are typical installed with posts and footings.
The use of driven posts within the Open Space Area is prohibited as per General Notes #35 and #36 on Dwg GT-1. The Bidder will be required to submit an alternative method for installing the Silt Fence and Caution Fence to the Engineer for approval prior to installation.
- Please clarify the intent of Note #20 on Dwg GT-1 which states that “Site Fill shall consist of material from approved onsite sources or offsite material”. This statement is not consistent with the requirements stated in Embankment Spec Section 203 that is calling for I-13, DGA/RCA from off-site courses to be provided for the Structural Fill, and statements in 203,03,02 that direct the Contractor to use the existing Soil only for Surcharge. This approach is also reinforced by the measurement and payment provisions in 202.04.
Site fill shall consist of material from approved offsite materials only. The Geotechnical Engineer and LSRP will review and approve all proposed fill materials to confirm conformance with the fill material requirements detailed in the project specifications.
- Please confirm that the Topsoiling requirements provided in Note #23 on Dwg GT-1 do not apply to this Phase 1A Contract.
Note #23 on Dwg GT-1 does not apply to this Phase 1A Contract.
- Please confirm that Note #27 on Dwg GT-1 does not apply to this Phase 1A Contract.
General Construction Note #27 and Grading, Drainage and Utility Note #27 on Dwg GT-1 do not apply to this Phase 1A Contract.
- Please confirm that Notes #30, 31, 32, 33, 34 & 35 on Dwg GT-1 are not applicable to this Phase 1A Contract.
Grading, Drainage and Utility Notes #30 and #31 on GT-1 are general notes. Grading, Drainage and Utility Notes #32 and #33 on GT-1 are to be utilized for the Field Office. Grading, Drainage and Utility Notes #34 and #35 on GT-1 are not applicable.
- Please clarify Demolition Note #6 on Dwg GT-2 which refers to a Demolition / Construction Fence shown on the drawings. The drawings do not show any such fence. Also, please clarify if Note #6 is referring to the Caution Fence that is to be paid under Bid Item #7.
Demolition Note #6 is referring to the Caution Fence that is to be paid under Bid Item #7.
- Please confirm that Demolition Notes #9 through #14 on Dwg GT-2 do not apply to this Phase 1A Contract.
Demolition Notes #9 through #14 shall apply to this Phase 1A Contract.
- Please confirm that the calculations referenced in Shop Drawing Note #3 on Dwg GT-2 are not applicable to this Phase 1A Contract.
The calculations referenced in Shop Drawing Note #3 on Dwg GT-2 are applicable.
- Please clarify why Hexavalent Chromium is listed as a Submittal on Dwg GT-2.
Hexavalent Chromium is listed as a Submittal on Drawing GT-2 to comply with the Fill Evaluation Criteria established for the Phase 1 Redevelopment Area. The Contractor is directed to Appendix 8 of the Project Specifications titled “Memorandum Prepared for the JCRA by Potomac-Hudson Environmental, Inc. as LSRP for the JCRA for Study Area 6 South (SA6S) Dated October 16, 2020.” On Page 2 of the memorandum, it states:
“Pursuant to the NJDEP Fill Material Guidance for SRP Sites dated April 2015 both Alternative Fill and Clean Fill requires that laboratory analytical data be provided for samples obtained from the respective material. The applicable sample frequencies for these two materials are provided in the April 2015 guidance document and in reality, are the same. The sampling frequency tables are attached for both fill types. In both cases the material should be analyzed for the Target Analyte List (TAL) / Target Compound List (TCL) plus 30, Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) and for hexavalent chromium (specific to the Phase 1 Redevelopment Area). In order for any Alternative Fill or Clean Fill to be accepted, the appropriate number of samples should be collected and analyzed. Whenever licensed quarry/mine material, certified as such by the quarry/mine operator, is delivered to a property undergoing remediation, the certification can be relied upon without sampling the delivered licensed quarry/mine material.”
- Considering the scope of work for the Phase 1A Contract, please clarify why the list of Submittals on Dwg GT-2 requires the Contractor to submit procedures for protecting the existing Cement Bentonite Barrier, the existing Sheet Pile Barrier and the existing Liner. We do foresee how the site work in this contract could pose a hazard to these existing underground site features.
In the event that the existing Cement Bentonite Barrier, Sheet Pile Barrier and/or existing Liner is foreseen to be at risk of being impacted by any construction operations, the Contractor shall submit procedures for protecting same. The Engineer shall approve the procedures prior to the Contractor commencing with the work. As long as construction operations are not foreseen to impact the barriers and/or liner, the Contractor will not be required to submit procedures. Any work that impacts the SA-6S Open Space Area shall conform with Appendix 11 of the Specifications and Contract Documents.
- The Bid Documents do not provide clear direction regarding the type of material that is to be used for the construction of the Temporary MSE Walls within the reinforced zone of the MSE Walls. Please clarify if this material is to meet the same specifications as the Imported Structural Fill that is provided in the Embankment Spec Section 203, and please clarify whether or not the importing, placement and compaction of this material in the reinforced zone of the MSE Walls will be measured and paid for by Bid Item 33.
The Temporary MSE Retaining Walls are a design-build item. Refer to Section 515-Temporary Surcharge Retaining Wall, Subsection 515.01 of the Project Specifications. The MSE Wall backfill is included in the pay item for Bid Item No. 39, Temporary Surcharge Retaining Wall and shall conform to the material requirements specified by the manufacturer of the approved Temporary MSE Retaining Wall.