RFP ADDENDUM # 2 for Acquisition and Redevelopment of 244 Bay Street
The Request for Proposals for Acquisition and Redevelopment of 244 Bay Avenue (the “RFP”) is modified as set forth in this Addendum (Addendum #2). The RFP and Addendum #1 remain in full force and effect, except as modified by Addendum #2, which is hereby made part of the RFP. Respondent shall take Addendum #2 into consideration when preparing and submitting its Proposal.
Section V of the RFP is replaced as follows:
The Agency seeks development submissions which achieve the goals of the Redevelopment Plan, maximize the Redevelopment Site’s potential and benefit and complement the surrounding area. Specifically, the Agency seeks proposals for the Redevelopment Site which address one or more of the following:
- To promote the redevelopment, restoration, and rehabilitation of a vacant, deteriorated, historically significant building in the Harsimus Cove Historic District;
- Recognize the special significance of this building and neighborhood because of its well-preserved historic character that reflects Jersey City’s past;
- To activate the streetscape and pedestrian realm and create a more pleasant, safe, and economically vibrant area; and
- To promote the inclusion of commercial uses within the building in order to diversify the types commercial uses in the area and promote additional economic vitality.