Updated: Q & A For The Sustainability Specialist Consulting Services For Bayfront
January 3, 2020
Section 1 – Objective
- Question: This Section identifies that a “Master Plan consultant” is already in place and the chosen Sustainability Consultant will work closely with this team. In developing sustainability metrics, additional experts in specific fields would be advantageous, such as a mobility / transportation consultant, a civil engineer, landscape architect, and resiliency consultant. Does the JCRA already have these specialists engaged or plan on engaging separately with any of these disciplines? Can the Sustainability Consultant include sub-consultants to cover any of these disciplines to enhance the sustainability Master Plan for Bayfront as optional services?
Answer: The JCRA has already retained such additional specialists to help develop these additional metrics.
- Question: Who is the Master Plan consultant referred to in this Section?
Answer: Perkins Eastman (“Perkins”) is the Master Plan consultant.
- Question: What is the scope of the Master Plan consultant’s work?
Answer: The primary scope of Perkins’ work is to update the 2008 Redevelopment Plan to reflect Jersey City’s goals and vision for the Bayfront I Redevelopment Area.
- Question: Has any of the Master Plan consultant’s work already begun and if so, to what extent?
Answer: Thus far, Perkins has updated the conceptual master plan for the overall site, worked with the JCRA to help prepare the RFP for developers on Phase I (four blocks, first 1,100 units), and has provided ongoing planning input on engineering designs as such designs have been finalized for the Phase I infrastructure.
Section 2 – Site Background
- Question: For Phase I, will the site be redeveloped by a single redeveloper? Or will redevelopment be broken out into parcels to be redeveloped by multiple redevelopers?
Answer: This has not yet been determined. The JCRA is still in the process of selecting a redeveloper for Phase I (there are four development parcels with up to 1,100 residential units).
- Question: This Section states that the JCRA is currently in the process of securing a redeveloper for Phase I to address matters including redevelopment in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan. Will the Sustainability Consultant be interacting with the secured redeveloper, and if so to what extent?
Answer: There is likely to be some interaction and coordination between the Sustainability Consultant and the selected redeveloper, but the extent cannot be determined at this time.
- Question: When is the first building construction scheduled to start? Is there a schedule in place for the full redevelopment of the entire Bayfront I Redevelopment Area?
Answer: The timing of the vertical construction will not be determined until a redeveloper is selected.
- Question: Can the JCRA provide more information with respect to the development program beyond Phase I, such as number of buildings, building size, and building types?
Answer: The current Master Plan includes 26 development parcels.
Section 4 – Scope of Work
- Question: Do the design standards developed by the Sustainability Consultant only need to focus on the specific requirements of Bayfront? Or will they be used for other projects?
Answer: The design standards only need to focus on the Bayfront I Redevelopment Area specifically. It is not required that they be generally applicable to other JCRA projects.
- Question: What is the anticipated schedule for the proposed scope of work?
Answer: The anticipated schedule to complete the proposed scope of work is 6 months.
- Question: The RFP mentions working on pilot projects as part of the implementation plan. Should the pilot projects have their own specified allowance?
Answer: Applicants are not required to assign a separate allowance for the referenced pilot projects.
Section 8 – Format of Proposals
- Question: Do subcontractors also have to complete the “Required Documents & Forms” subsection?
Answer: Yes, subcontractors must also complete the “Required Documents & Forms” subsection.
General Questions
- Question: Does the JCRA have an allocated budget for the services that can be shared at this time?
Answer: The budget has not yet been determined.
- Question: Is Placemaking a planning priority? If so, as it pertains to the work of the Sustainability Consultant, to what extent?
Answer: Given the scale of the Bayfront I Redevelopment Area, Placemaking is a planning priority to help create intimate neighborhoods and experiences throughout the 100 acres of planned development. The Sustainability Consultant’s role will include providing some overarching design and planning guidelines from which individual components of the master plan can draw.